Home Office Etiquette

Please stay home, and work from there, if you can;but if we don't go anywhere,then how could we separate "work" from "relax"?
Here are a few, small things to consider:
- Communicate your time schedule by mentioning your working hours, so everybody you have work relation with, will know your availability, and you can avoid people distracting or disturbing you with calls or tasks.
- Designate a workstation at home, where you can work comfortably.This is highly important, becasue somehow we should separate worktime and relaxation.(This picture is an illustration, I could never work like this,I would immediately fall asleep.🙈)
- Try to establish a daily routin,& be consistent.This will help to separate work from relaxation.
- At the end of your working hours, change your clothes, and wear somehing comfortable for home.This is a sign that the working hours are over.
- Just because you are at home 7/24,don't give up your workout.Excercise,read a book, call your family and friends!
Stay healthy&hang in there🍀